Question 31: How do you know Fr. John Romanides? Did Fr. Romanides know St. Sophrony?


How do you know Fr. John Romanides? Did Fr. Romanides know St. Sophrony?


Fr. John Romanides was my Professor of Dogmatics when I was a theology student at the University of Thessalonica, 1979-1983. I attended as many of his lectures and seminars as I could over a four year period. 
Fr. Romanides knew of St. Sophrony for years and had great respect for him, owing to the publication of Saint Silouan the Athonite, through Fr. Zacharias, who preceded me at Thessalonica, and later in person, when Fr. Romanides was on sabbatical at Cambridge University (not far from the Monastery of St. John the Baptist). 
However, I am not aware of any correspondence between them.