The Mount Thabor Academy Videos

John of the Ladder, with Prof. Christopher Veniamin


More Episodes in this Unit:

Episode 1: How to Find a Spiritual Father, in John of the Ladder, "On Obedience", Pt 1

Episode 2: Parenting and Parish Priests, in John of the Ladder, "On Obedience", Pt 2

Episode 3: Obedience to One's Spiritual Father, in John of the Ladder. "On Obedience", Pt 3

Episode 4: St Sophrony and the Divine Liturgy, in John of the Ladder

Episode 5: St Isidore, St Laurence & St Sophrony, in John of the Ladder

Episode 6: Relevance of The Ladder for Those Living in the World, in John of the Ladder

Please note: Red letters denote latest episode


Sts Silouan and Sophrony the Athonites: Principles of the Christian Life”, with Prof. Christopher Veniamin

More Episodes in this Unit:

Episode 2: "On the Knowledge of God", Part 2

Episode 3: "On the Knowledge of God", Part 3, and "Concerning Obedience", Part 3

Episode 4: “Discovering the Will of God”, Part 1

Episode 5: "Discovering the Will of God", Part 2

Episode 6: "Discovering the Will of God", Part 3

Episode 7: "On Love", Part 1

Episode 8: "On Love", Part 2

Episode 9: “Tradition & Scripture”; “Three Forms of Prayer”

Episode 10: "The 3rd Form of Prayer"; "The Development of Intrusive Thoughts"

Episode 11: “Keep Thy Mind in Hell and Despair Not”, Part 1

Episode 12: "Keep Thy Mind in Hell and Despair Not", Part 2

Episode 13: "Concerning Shepherds of Souls" & "Concerning Monks"

Episode 14: "Intrusive Thoughts", Part 1

Episode 15: "Intrusive Thoughts", Part 2

Please note: Red letters denote latest episode


St. Gregory Palamas: An Introduction, with Prof. Christopher Veniamin

More Episodes in this Unit (Better Sound Quality):

Episode 1bis: Prolegomena

Episode 2bis: The Emperor's 6 Questions

Episode 3bis: The Jesus Prayer and Yoga

Episode 4bis: Iconography & Knowledge of God through Prayer

Episode 5bis: Epistemological Presuppositions

Episode 6bis: Triumph of Ascetic Theology Over Intellectualism

Episode 7bis: Conclusions

Please note: Red letters denote latest episodes


 “Mystical Theology: Holy Scripture & Greek Philosophy”, with Prof. Christopher Veniamin


More Episodes in this Unit:

Episode 2: Philo of Alexandria, Part 1

Episode 3: Philo of Alexandria, Part 2

Episode 4: Irenaeus of Lyons, Part 1

Episode 5: Irenaeus of Lyons, Part 2

Episode 6: Clement of Alexandria, Part 1

Episode 7: Clement of Alexandria, Part 2; Origen, Part 1

Episode 8: Origen, Part 2

Episode 9: Origen, Part 3

Episode 10: What Every Orthodox Christian Should Know About the Orthodox Faith

Episode 11: Athanasius the Great, Part 1: What did Arius Believe? Part 1

Episode 12: Athanasius the Great, Part 2: What did Arius Believe? Part 2

Episode 13: Athanasius the Great, Part 3: On God the Word, Part 1

Episode 14: Athanasius the Great, Part 4: On God the Word, Part 2 & "On the Incarnation, Part 1

Episode 15: Athanasius the Great, Part 5: On God the Word, Part 3 & "On the Incarnation, Part 2

Episode 16: The Cappadocian Fathers, Part 1: Introduction

Episode 17: The Cappadocian Fathers, Part 2: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, Gregory of Nyssa

Episode 18: The "Monarchy" of God the Father, Part 3 of The Cappadocian Fathers

Episode 19: "Hypostasis": the Threeness of God, Part 4 of The Cappadocian Fathers

Please note: Red letters denote latest episode


"Special Editions", with Prof. Christopher Veniamin

MT Academy Bookclub, Saint Silouan the Athonite, with Dr. C Veniamin, Part 1 (Sep 27, 2023)

More Episodes in this Unit:

Episode 12: "Keep Thy Mind in Hell and Despair Not", Part 2

Session 1: “John Damascene: Christology”, Part 1

Session 3: Bookclub, Saint Silouan the Athonite, "Spiritual Warfare", Part 3

Session 2: Orthodox Bible Study, "Holy Saturday, Gen. 1:1–13", Part 2

Please note: Red letters denote latest episode

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