Question 27: Orthodox Fathers on Communism January 27, 2024Question Saint Sophrony of Essex stated in 1981: "Communism is put into practice in the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit it is an impossible ideal. This is clear in...
Question 22: The Christian Virtue of Obedience in 21st Century America? January 19, 2024Question As an American, I have a very different attitude towards obedience than other Christians from cultures steeped in Orthodox tradition for centuries. Tailored for a non-monastic, living-in-society, American audience,...
Question 26: Why does psychology have no place in Orthodox theology and the spiritual life? January 19, 2024Question Why does psychology have no place in Orthodox theology and the spiritual life? Answer The confusion of psychology with theology, in my opinion, is the result of approaching the...
Question 25: Why does St. Sophrony speak of the limitations of English (and other Western European Languages) as a means of transmitting the Orthodox spirit? January 19, 2024Question Why does St. Sophrony speak of the limitations of English (and other Western European Languages) as a means of transmitting the Orthodox spirit? Answer On the Limitations of English...
Question 24: Where can one find the Hagioritic Tomos of St. Gregory Palamas? January 11, 2024Question Where can one find the Hagioritic Tomos of St. Gregory Palamas? Answer The Hagioritic Tomos (Ἁγιορειτικὸς Τόμος) of 1340–1341, is The Declaration of the Holy Mountain in Defense of...
Question 23: The Essence-Energy Distinction Non-Conceptual and Beyond Intellection December 22, 2023Question What do we do with quotes from saints such as st kokkinos in antirr. 5 pg151 880D saying “they (essence and energy) differ from each other conceptually but not...