Collection: St. Gregory Palamas

ST. GREGORY PALAMAS represents Orthodox theology at its most sublime. Patristic theology in the fourteenth century, of which St. Gregory is indubitably the greatest exponent, touched the very boundaries of theological expression.

St. Gregory’s sermons are among the finest in Patristic literature. In his treatment of the manifold themes contained therein, he is remarkably consistent in maintaining a balance between originality of thought and strict adherence to the tradition of his predecessors. Moreover, his genius resides in the ease with which he demonstrates, as only a master of the spiritual life can, the refreshingly practical significance of the doctrines of the Church for the Life in Christ.


PHILOSOPHY OF PURPOSE: Why the two forms, The Homilies and the Sermons?

Our edition of Saint Gregory Palamas: The Homilies (800-pages) contains all sixty-three extant sermons of St. Gregory.

The series, “Sermons by Saint Gregory Palamas”, is a selection of St. Gregory’s homilies arranged thematically (each booklet is about 60 to 90 pages), but does not contain all sixty-three of his sermons.

The “Sermons” is currently comprised of The Saving Work of Christ, Mary the Mother of God, On the Saints, The Parables of Jesus, and Miracles of the Lord.

The reason for producing both of the above editions is twofold.

Firstly, The Homilies, are offered chiefly with scholars and pastors in mind, and thus contains a detailed introduction, scholia and indexes.

Secondly, “The Sermons”, are published mainly with church schools, homeschooling, and study groups in mind, providing just the simple text at an affordable price, and presupposes that the instructor would be teaching from the 800-page complete edition of The Homilies, thereby availing the class or group of its additional pedagogical materials.


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